Professional Consults for Trauma Therapists

woman sitting at table writing on clipboard

As a trauma therapist, your capacity to guide individuals through their healing journey is invaluable. Recognizing that you don't have to navigate the complexities of trauma treatment alone is a critical step forward. Professional consultation, especially from a Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with a rich background in the Mental Health field spanning over a decade, offers a pathway to enhance your practice through collaboration, support, and presence. Here's how this partnership can transform your approach and empower both you and your clients to reach new heights in the healing process.

Elevate Your Practice Through Collaboration and Support

  • Collaborative Growth: Engage in a professional dialogue that values your unique perspective, enriching your practice with shared wisdom and innovative somatic techniques.

  • Unwavering Support: Gain a supportive ally in your professional journey, offering you insights and encouragement to navigate the challenges of trauma therapy with confidence.

  • Enhanced Therapeutic Presence: Develop a deeper sense of presence that fosters safety and trust, creating an environment where profound healing can occur.

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  • Professional consultation offers a collaborative space to refine your skills, embrace innovative approaches, and receive supportive feedback, enhancing your ability to facilitate deep and lasting healing.

  • Expect a partnership that’s rooted in respect for your professional journey. Consultations are tailored to your needs, focusing on practical strategies and emotional support to bolster your confidence and effectiveness as a therapist.

  • Somatic experiencing brings the body’s wisdom into the healing process, offering a holistic approach that addresses both physiological and emotional aspects of trauma, facilitating comprehensive and durable healing.

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Denisha Smith smiling in front of bookshelf

Benefits of Embracing Professional Consultation

  • Collaborative Insight: Leverage shared knowledge and experience to navigate complex trauma cases, enriching your therapeutic approach.

  • Supportive Network: Become part of a community that prioritizes growth, learning, and mutual support among trauma therapy professionals.

  • Confidence and Growth: Strengthen your practice with advanced strategies and techniques, boosting your confidence and expanding your capacity to facilitate healing.

Why Partner with Me?

With more than a decade of dedicated work in the Mental Health field and certification in somatic experiencing, I offer a wealth of knowledge combined with a down-to-earth approach. My commitment is to empower therapists like you to deepen your impact through a supportive and collaborative partnership. I believe in the transformative power of therapy, and through our work together, we can extend this gift of healing further.

I am an approved personal session provider for  Beginning level Somatic Experiencing students. These sessions are counted toward the qualifications needed as you journey toward SEP certification.

Somatic Experiencing Student Personal Sessions

I have been extensively trained in Somatic Experiencing ™(SE), which is a trauma modality that supports the gentle release of bound trauma energy from the nervous system. As a body based therapist, I track nervous system patterning to assist in resolving symptoms of trauma. SE is effective for issues such as anxiety, hypervigilance, depression, ADD, disassociation, early attachment issues, chronic pain or tension, poor boundaries, body awareness to name a few. I am also trained in Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience (DARe) which focuses on healing attachment wounds that are often a result of relational traumas.

  • I am grateful for the supervision provided by Denisha. Her insights and support were instrumental in navigating a few complex issues and achieving the desirable outcome for myself and my client. Her expertise and professionalism render her as an asset to any person seeking direction. In general, I would recommend Denisha to anyone looking for supervision but especially those who utilize Somatic techniques.

    Nina Mitchell, LCPC, CCT

  • Since the onset of the pandemic, our students have consistently shared that mental health has been a huge concern for them. Our organization began working with Denisha Smith in 2023 to host trainings and coaching sessions for our high school and college students. Her approach was student centric and our students found tremendous value in working with Denisha and her unique approach to wellness. She provided our students with essential tools to navigate the many challenges they may face both in high school and for many being the firsts in their family to attend college. I highly recommend Denisha and we look forward to continuing to work with her to provide our students with the tools they need to be the best versions of themselves.

    Dionne Henderson

    President & CEO

    Partnership For The Future

Take the Step Towards Collaborative Growth

Your commitment to healing is invaluable. Enhancing your practice through professional consultation is not just about improving outcomes; it's about feeling supported, connected, and confident in the vital work you do. Let’s collaborate to bring your therapeutic practice to new heights, fostering a deeper sense of community and support in the journey toward healing.

Connect today, and let’s begin this enriching journey of professional collaboration and growth together.